Im Verlauf des Jahres 2024
2.November 2024: Tana Education Fundraising Event
Der nächste Tana Event findet in Bern statt. Melden sie sich hier an.
22. Juli - 9. August 2024: Projektreise von Jeremiah
Jeremiah konnte vier der fünf Sekundarschulkinder, die von Tana Education unterstützt werden besuchen, auch Milka hat er getroffen. Ebenso stand der Besuch der Mwina Primary School auf dem Programm, wo Gespräche mit den Lehrpersonen und dem Schulleiter anstanden. Auch die Schulklassen wurden besucht.
Der Brunnen konnte fertiggestellt werden. Es wurden Pumptests gemacht, das Brunnenhaus wurde fertiggebaut und der Tank und die Solarpumpe konnte installiert werden. Ein sehr grosser Erfolg, der nur dank Ihrer Unterstützung möglich geworden ist,
herzlichen Dank!
1. Mai 2024: Mitgliederversammlung online
Der Vorstand präsentiert Jahresrechnung und Jahresbericht 2023 sowie das Budget für 2024.
Ende 2023/ Anfang 2024
Kenia wird von starken Regenfällen heimgesucht, Ursache dafür ist das Wetterphänomen El Nino. Die Regenfälle haben die ausgetrockneten Böden überschwemmt. Die Dämme im Hochland sind überfüllt und die Behörden die Schleusen geöffnet. Das hat dazu geführt, dass der Tana River über die Ufer getreten ist und weite Teile des Landes unter Wasser stehen und wichtige Infrastruktur zerstört wird.
Im Verlauf des Jahres 2023
Am 4. November haben wir zu einem Tana-Education Fundraising Event eingeladen. Das bewährte Kochteam hat uns mit einem kenianischen Buffet verwöhnt. Dazu gab es Raum für Austausch, Informationen zu den laufenden Projekten und eine Tombola.
August 2023
Jeremiah ist nach Kenia gereist und hat im Bereich Schulgarten neue Projekte gestartet. So wurde ein 9 Meter tiefes Bohrloch für einen Brunnen in Handarbeit gebohrt sowie zusammen mit den Schülerinnen und Schülern 150 Bäume gepflanzt.
7. Juni 2023: Mitgliederversammlung online
An dieser Mitgliederversammlung wurden die Gründungsmitglieder Simone und André Mäder gewürdigt und verabschiedet. Die neuen Vorstandsmitglieder Corinne von Muralt, Andrea Vifian und Yvonne Omara wurden bestätigt.
28. Januar 2023
Nach der Rückkehr von Jeremiah konnten war an diesem gelungenen Anlass in Bern die aktuellen Informationen direkt teilen. Die 35 Teilnehmer wurden mit kleinen kenianischen Spezialitäten verköstigt und es ergaben sich spannende Diskussionen.
Over the course of 2022
December 2022/January 2023: Journey of Jeremiah to Kenya
During the New Year period, Jeremiah traveled to Kenya and was able to visit many of the children and schools supported by Tana Education.
October 2022: Visit of the secondary school children supported by the association and children with disabilities
Mary had the opportunity to speak directly to the young people and the principals and teachers of the respective schools. This enabled us to gain many insights which we would like to share with youNewsletter of winter 2022
September 2022:Participation in an event in Mikameni
We were represented by members of our board of Tana Education Kenya at a girls' forum in Mikameni under the title "My voice, my power" and the aim of giving the girls a platform to exchange experiences and their future.Detailed information in the winter 2022 newsletter
July 2022: Journey of Jeremiah to Kenya
Initiated by Mary Bada, board member of Tana Education Kenya, the board of Tana Education Kenya met with the teachers in the Mwina Primary School and the parents of the school children met the local government representative for education.
The schools for disabled children in Hola were also visited.
Milka passed intermediate exams and now lives in a student residence on the university campus.
All this in the newsletter from the summer of 2022
May 2022: Tana Education Members Meeting in online format.
Throughout 2021
Various visits by the association on site in Kenya
In January 2021 Jeremiah traveled to Kenya mainly to promote the registration of Tana Education as a non-governmental organization (NGO).
In July 2021 the board in Kenya was able to spend a lot of time in the supported school. Among other things, uniforms were distributed and the exchange with the school administration, teachers and parents was intensified.
In December 2021 The Board of Tana Education Kenya has visited the Mwina Primary School in Mikameni and the children with disabilities who are supported by the association. The aim of the trip was to introduce the board to the schools involved. Also, the board members should be introduced to the local government officials and the teachers involved.Details in the newsletter
Since 2021, the Tana Education association has been intensifying support for children with disabilities. This is where we can make a big difference.
Many thanks to Jeremiah, Leonard, Mary, Valentine and Nancy!
November 26, 2021
online event
Due to the pandemic, we dared the experiment: over 40 members and donors took part in our first online event. The board in Kenya was presented as well as a video of Milka, the medical student.
Everything went smooth and without technical challenges. Thank you all!
August 20, 2020
COVID-19 help
In August 2020, our association - in addition to continuous support - was also able to provide special aid due to the COVID-19 situation.
Leonard was able to help with hygiene masks and food - for all our students and for disabled children in particular. The transport was once again challenging.
The support of our association during the school closures has had an effect - we are happy to have made a difference.
We owe all donations, especially the COVID-19 specific ones. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
August 17, 2019
4. Tana Education Fundraiser
On August 17, 2019, we welcomed 70 guests to the Tana Education summer party - a great success for our young association.
In the best weather, we were allowed to introduce ourselves and discuss our concerns directly.
Many thanks to all helpers, especially our four chefs who spoiled us with culinary delights in 2018:
Ramon Ryter, Andreas Schuetz, Nik Fankhauser and Jeremiah Omara.
The generous donations enable us to continue to fulfill our mission: THANK YOU SO MUCH!
October 2018
Trip to Kenya - Mikameni
Just six hours after landing in Mombasa, Kenya, Jeremiah's first Tana Education session will take place on September 23, 2018. Leonard Buya, our local coordinator and Mikameni Headmistress, have both traveled to Mombasa for this purpose. The main items on the agenda are exchanging news, discussing difficulties and challenges, and compiling the book list and shopping list.
Thanks to all the generous donations, we were able to take a large amount of cash to Kenya and buy a lot for the school children of the Mwina Primary School!
August 25, 2018
3. Tana Education Fundraiser
In the summer of 2018, over 50 guests were spoiled with culinary delights by four chefs (see entry from August 17, 2019).
Thank you very much for the generous donations with which Tana Education can continue to provide help on site in Mikameni.
April 2018
Floods in Tana River
We have just received pictures from the Tana River area showing that the storm flooded whole villages!
October 28, 2017
2. Tana Education Fundraiser
On October 28th, 2017, the second fundraiser event of Tana Education took place in Bern in beautiful and cool autumn weather - perfect to be withMulled wine to warm up. Jeremiah prepared it with exotic spices and our guests donated an amount of their choice per cup of mulled wine.
At the end of the event, a significant sum was raised that we will use for our relief work in Mikameni.
Thank you very much for your trust and your support.
September 2017
School uniforms for needy children
In order to be able to attend school, students in Kenya must have a school uniform.
Supporting children in need is Tana Education's mission. With support from the village, we were able to identify families who cannot afford a uniform for their child/children.
A total of 84 uniforms were made in Kenya and brought to the village by Leonard on September 12, 2017.
We are happy to show pictures of the production and the handover.
September 2017
emergency food
Due to unrest in Kenya - triggered by political tensions - the state food program for schools was neglected and in some cases even suspended.
Tana Education provided food for the school and boarding school as emergency aid. Although food aid does not correspond to Tana Education's basic mission, from our point of view the situation on site was so critical that we had to react.
November 2016
Report from Mikameni
In August 2016, Leonard told us that the kindergarten / 1st grade would be closed if two more kindergarten teachers could not be hired. In the meantime, Tana Education is paying the two teachers for the kindergarten and the closure has been prevented. This also ensures that the girls are supervised at night. Leonard was able to bring us the good news that the performance of the students from Mikameni village has already improved.
Thanks to the two additional teachers and two kindergarten teachers hired by the Tana Education association, the level of the students rose from 191 points to 210 out of a total of 500 possible points!
We are very happy and wish the students every success that they can improve even more.
October 22, 2016
1. Tana Education Fundraiser
The first Tana Education fundraiser food event was a great success.
We were able to introduce ourselves that evening and hope that this will result in sustained advertising and support. In addition to the delicious Kenyan specialties that Marianne and Jeremiah prepared for us, Pierrette surprised us with many Congolese delicacies.
Thank you all for your support.
August 2016
Start of the movement in Mikameni, Tana River, Kenya
Tana Education visited Mwina Primary School in August 2016. The students were invited to a meal by Tana Education.
August 11, 2016: 9:00 am: Meeting with the school administration
school performance record
The performance record of the school was very poor: it was ranked 7th out of 10 schools in the region (Garsen Nord). The class studied had 14 students.
The best student had only 196 out of 500 points!
8th grade overview
The students have no curriculum.
There is no electricity (light) in their parents' houses.
It was suggested that the students, split between boys and girls, stay overnight at the school where there is light.
An agreement was reached with an elderly gentleman to look after the boys during the night.
Now a female supervisor is needed for the girls.
The classrooms have to be converted into dormitories every night.
An arrangement for dinner is pending.
Kindergarten / 1st grade
The kindergarten is to be paid for by the provincial government. This has hired one of the three required teachers. The other two are to be paid for by the parents, who have not yet been able to raise the money. School fees are CHF 450 per year. The school plans to close the kindergarten because of the outstanding payments. This means that there will be no kindergarten or first class in the Mwina school.
Leonard recommends strategically addressing this issue within Tana Education.
school plantings
A school is needed that can provide the students with water and local food. It must also be shown that with local cultivation, with modern cultivation methods, the local society can be supplied with food.